Saturday, December 5, 2009

Finding my groove in the pool

This morning we headed back out to Pleasant Hill for a run (a series of 800-meter pieces in teams of three), followed by a 1.5 hour swim. In between, we had another Iron University class on Nutrition & Proper Fueling, led by Coach Dave's lovely wife, Norma Stark.

The run went really well. I got to spend some time running with and getting to know Melissa, and of course catch up some more with my pal, Sandy. The run was actually a lot of fun ~ I even changed the way I run (this week's overarching theme, no? changing it up.) after Coach Mike noticed that upping my cadence would make for a more efficient form. By increasing the frequency of my footstrike, there was a noticeable difference in my natural "lean" and I felt myself propelling forward even more. Man, the progress I'm seeing on the swimming and running fronts is phenomenal! And in such a short amount of time, too.



The swim was excellent too. There were some tough drills in there, and an extra-tough ladder (gradual increase in the number of laps with a shorter rest interval in between / then a gradual decrease in the number of laps with a longer rest interval in between). I implemented the things I learned most recently into my stroke, which made for a huge improvement and me feeling more confident and fluid underwater.

Per Coach Mike, my group and I swam almost 1 full mile today! All in all, another fun, challenging & excellent day with IronTeam.

1 comment:

  1. That's SO COOL re the cadence thing and Coach Mike. He is THE BOMB. He helped me with one thing in Swimming I'm thinking about a LOT. I have theatre with mom and dad and H next week on Sunday and I REALLY REALLY want to have the swim video'd. It's a matinee theatre and I HOPE that I can get in there and do it before I have to cut out. You looked SO GREAT running! Like a fresh daisy :-) You rock sistah.
