Friday, October 2, 2009

Life's too short to put limits on your abilities.

If you've found yourself here, it means you're curious to know what I've gotten myself into...

I've decided to commit my mind, heart --and yes-- body, once again, to Team in Training. To helping fundraise and find a cure for blood cancers. And to testing my abilities and begin another chapter and challenge in my life to complete a new endurance event.

And this time -- I've chosen the Ironman.

That's right. I've slightly lost my mind, have signed up, and am determined to complete my first ever:

2.4-mile swim
112-mile bike &
26.2-mile run

...all in under 17 hours. On Sunday, August 29, 2010. In Louisville, Kentucky. Along the Ohio River, and through the scenic Bluegrass Region of the South.

My training has already begun, and I am asking for your moral support, encouragement, inspiration -- and most importantly, your help in making my goals a reality.

I have completed two full marathons with Team in Training in the past year, and have raised over $5,000 in my efforts to help find a cure for a type of disease which affects someone every five minutes. Please don't let it stop here. Along with a new finish line goal, I have a brand new fundraising goal this season: $8,000 to help change and better others' lives. Please give what you can. Every single dollar counts.

Keep an eye out for updates and stories ~ as you're sure to read about a lot of firsts! I'm pumped to begin this exciting, terrifying, exhilarating journey, and can't wait to share it with you!

My sincerest thanks for all your support.


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